Frightening truth…
The point goes very much around the meaning of life for each human being. The more I know about others and about myself the more convinced I become of the weight of education or - if you prefer - the importance of the link with the parents, especially with the mother during childhood. People who really grow up are those who dare to go beyond such a "determination" without losing their memory, identity, roots. Such a maturing process may take many years - if not an entire life - and there is people who never succeed, who remain "victim of their birth". Strong people are those who challenge their destiny, who can create (or recreate) it.
It is very important to give value to ourselves regardless of what we believe is the value others assign to us. We should not behave just to get the applause of others because that is similar to "how nice we wanted to be with mom" in order to please her and deserve her love and attention when we were kids. But that is just another way of saying that self-esteem is key... without falling into narcissism and maintaining empathy with people around us.
I stop here. My thoughts are like leaves in autumn…
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