I - Brené Brown (perfectionism vs. healthy striving):
· “Perfectionism is not about striving for excellence. Perfectionism is not about achievement and growth. Perfectionism is the belief that if we act perfectly, we can avoid the pain of blame, judgment and shame. Most perfectionists grew up being praised for achievement and performance in our grades, manners and appearance. Somewhere along the way, we adopted this dangerous and debilitating belief system: I am what I accomplish and how well I accomplish it. A ticker tape began to stream through our heads: Please. Perform. Perfect. Healthy striving, meanwhile, focuses on you. It occurs when you ask yourself, ‘How can I improve?’ Perfectionism keeps the focus on others. It occurs when you ask, ‘What will they think?’ Research, unfortunately, shows that perfectionism hampers success and often leads to depression, anxiety, addiction and missed opportunities, due to fears of putting anything out in the world that could be imperfect or disappoint others. It's a 20-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it's the thing that's really preventing us from taking flight.”
Tenho que fazer um esforço para me lembrar desta distinção. A “perfeição”, por mais que se tente, não existe e por vezes leva-nos a ficar paralizados com medo de cometer erros. E quanto maior for este medo, maior a ansiedade...e maior a probabilidade de errar - para não falar na possibilidade de perder oportunidades devido ao pavor em não sermos perfeitos.
II - Julie Morgenstern
· “Perfectionism is tricky. It seems like a virtue (..) but taken to extremes, it's a paralyzing trap. Perfectionists endlessly berate themselves, judging their work with one of two grades—Perfect or Complete Disaster.”
“Ask yourself who your inner critic is. Usually, it's someone from your past: a harsh parent, teacher, coach, or sibling. Recognize that this voice is probably no longer relevant, and ignore it. Pay attention to people who understand the work you're doing and have a hand in evaluating it.”
“Ask yourself who your inner critic is. Usually, it's someone from your past: a harsh parent, teacher, coach, or sibling. Recognize that this voice is probably no longer relevant, and ignore it. Pay attention to people who understand the work you're doing and have a hand in evaluating it.”
III - Anne Lamont
· “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor (…) It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life."
IV - Martha Beck
· “Perfectionism usually paralyzes you before you begin, stiffens you until you screw up, and sends shame howling through your consciousness even if you do well. It's time to wake up and smell this dark-roasted little truth: Perfectionism never delivers on its promise of perfection. It does not work.”
2 comentários:
Acho que tem muito a ver com auto-confiança, com estima de si mesmo. As pessoas inseguras não se podem permitir errar porque isso será mais uma prova da sua fraqueza. Para as outras simplesmente "errar é humano" sem que isso desague em desleixo ou menor vontade de fazer bem.
E tal como tanta neura que por aí anda, as raízes dessa insegurança vão, frequentemente, até à infância, a criticismo muitas vezes dado com a melhor das intenções mas recebido com vergonha e humilhação. O resultado é atribuír duas notas a tudo quanto se faz: ou zero ou vinte valores, com tudo quanto for acima de 15 esquecido e tudo abaixo disso a contribuir para uma vida marcada por ansiedade, depressão e rica em inércia e oportunidades perdidas (que, por sua vez, levam a remorsos) uma vida que os perfeccionistas tendem a resumir com uma única palavra: fracasso.
E é por isso que é tão importante diferenciar “perfeccionismo” (contraproducente)de “healthy striving”(saudavel)
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