sábado, setembro 29, 2012

Países com o maior fosso entre ricos e pobres

  • “Despite its high Gini coefficient, Portugal’s income inequality has been improving. From the mid-1980s to the late 2000s, the incomes of the country’s poorest increased an average 3.6% each year. The incomes of the richest grew only 1.1% annually."
  • “Inequality in the United States increased significantly from 1985 to 2008, putting it in the fourth-worst spot in the study. (…) The income of the wealthiest 10% has greatly outpaced the poorest 10%. The share enjoyed by the top 0.1% in total pretax income quadrupled in the 30 years to 2008.

(e tenho cá a impressão que este fosso aumentou ainda mais nos nove meses desde que este artigo foi escrito)

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